BC Wheelchair Sports Return to Sport Update – November 9, 2020
massive-dev | November 9, 2020
BC Wheelchair Sports Return to Sport Update – November 9, 2020
To our community and membership
BC Wheelchair Sports continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation in BC and follow all public health orders.
As per the most recent public health orders released on Saturday, November 7, there are now increased restrictions on social gatherings and indoor sports in the Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health Regions in place until November 23, 2020.
These new restrictions mean that effectively immediately, we have suspended plans to resume our Vancouver Wheelchair Rugby Program and are moving wheelchair rugby back to Level 2 of our Return to Sport plan in the Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health Regions. Following November 23rd we will revaluate the situation based on the Provincial Health Orders in place at that time.
There will no changes to our Wheelchair Tennis or Athletics programs at this time, as physical distancing can still be maintained within their current guidelines. We will continue to evaluate this decision as directions from Public Health evolve.
BCWSA encourages all of our community to read and follow all public health orders around social interactions, gatherings, group physical activities and travel. You can read the full order here or by clicking the link below:
We will continue to provide updates on our Return to Sport Plan on our website, across our social media channels and in our newsletter. We appreciate all of the support and patience we’ve received from the community as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on sport.
Links and Resources
BCWSA Return to Sport and COVID-19
Public Health Order for the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley
Nathan Bragg
Communications Coordinator
(E) communications@bcwheelchairsports.com
Gail Hamamoto
Executive Director
(E) gail@bcwheelchairsports.com
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