GO Time – March 4, 2022
massive-dev | February 18, 2022
GO Time is celebrating International Women’s Day a few days early this year with a special Virtual GO Time session on March 4th from 4-5:30pm.
GO Time was created to help empower girls with physical disabilities across the province while introducing them to new sports and life skills, while also creating connections and friendships throughout our community.
This is a fun and free joint-program between BC Wheelchair Sports and BC Wheelchair Basketball. Next month’s Virtual Session will include guest speakers, fun games and more.
To register for GO Time, please sign up online at https://form.typeform.com/to/O8X1ee9M?typeform-source=www.google.com. Please send any questions to Erin Walkovich at intern@bcwheelchairsports.com

This program is funded, in part, by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association.
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