Congratulations to Lisa Myers and Peter Lawless!
massive-dev | March 17, 2017
Congratulations are in order for two BCWSA athletics coaches who received honours this week. Peter Lawless was awarded the Medal of Good Citizenship and Lisa Myers was named a 2017 WISE Fund recipient.
Peter Lawless was presented the Medal of Good Citizenship by the Province of BC for his extraordinary volunteer service in sport and for his commitment to veterans through the Soldier On program and the Invictus Games. In Peter’s incredible 25+ year coaching career, his athletes have broken 27 World Records and won over a dozen Paralympic or World Championship medals in both cycling and athletics. Congratulations Peter!
Para-throws coach Lisa Myers was one of only 10 women across Canada to receive a WISE Fund grant, which is given by the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) to female coaches with potential. Lisa has been selected to be a volunteer wheelchair event coach with Athletics Canada at the 2017 IPC World ParaAthletics Championships in London, UK. The WISE Fund grant will be put toward obtaining her Performance Coach Certification, a prerequisite for this position, allowing her to accept this amazing opportunity to advance her career. Congratulations Lisa!
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